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Montreal restaurants struggle to adapt to COVID-19 vaccine passport

Image par Free-Photos de Pixabay
Image par Free-Photos de Pixabay

Some Montreal restaurant owners are struggling to figure out how best to adapt to the reality of the new COVID-19 vaccine passport.

The pass limits aspects of public life, like restaurant dining, for people who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and came into effect September 1. Businesses considered non-essential, such as restaurants, are expected to verify the vaccination status of patrons.

Some restaurateurs, however, are having trouble adjusting to the new reality.

Some, like owners of Le Petit Vibe restaurant on Côte-des-Neiges Road, decided to close the dining room and revert to take-out only for all clients.

“It’s just more of a question of not believing in asking people, or being forced to ask people for their information,” explained co-owner Edward Chaillard.

Other owners who have also closed their dining rooms say it’s too expensive to hire extra staff just to police the passports, and some told Global News they are also considering doing take-out only.

Read more: Global News