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· Workforce

To all managers!

Truth be told, if you don't help your staff hone their skills they'll keep coming to you for answers instead of finding their own solutions. But when you're swamped with your own work, how can you make time to coach your employees and do it well?

If you are a manager of people, I bet I can describe your team’s dynamic. You have a super star, one team member who has a high level of confidence (feels he is qualified for everything and is eager to advance), a few under-performers and your largest group are team members who are invisible. These hidden, silent souls more than likely feel underappreciated and are at risk of quitting on you. In this economy of talented labour shortage, is that a risk you can take? Sad as this may seem, you are not alone and there is a solution for steady turn around.

To succeed you will have to add a few non-negotiable leadership skills to your daily routine. There are many to choose from and the best place to start is with the “Immediate Impactors”. These are skills that are easily inserted into your day that don’t take much time:

• Creating realistic but inspiring plans for growth: to do this, start by discovering what your young team members want to be when they grow-up, what motivates your crew, what their hobbies are, etc. Make it understood that you want to help them succeed both personally and professionally.

• Prompting with questions before you dispense wisdom: Asking questions to confirm understanding makes it easier for your team to make decisions or to feel empowered. Early in my career a wise man once told me “I hired you to make decisions. And I believe you will make the right ones. I also know that there is a chance, almost a certainty, you will make a bad one. Don't worry, I will always back you up."  Believe me, those were career changing words!

• Feedback for both positive and constructive behaviors: If you hate to do performance evaluations it’s a very good indicator that your management style resembles that of going to the principal’s office. Learn to daily and consistently discuss situations you personally witnessed, both good and bad, with your team members. 

• Remember to be specific on exactly what happened and the actions they took. The secret is to ask them to tell you what was the result of their actions so they can learn from the situation.

• The final step to coaching your team to become the best they can be is setting individual action plans. You'll need to agree on goals for growth to motivate your team members to achieve them, support their efforts and measure their progress. For more details and help in implementing a coaching philosophy in your business simply click HERE.

Happy coaching!

Julie Charbonneau
Business Development and Training Director
Phone: 438-870-3087

Julie Charbonneau

Signature Canada is a leader in training employees to deliver legendary customer service while increasing sales. Since 1986, Signature’s unique training methodology has provided a measurable ROI for our customers, compelling them to return year