How to recruit without resumes

There are different strategies you can put forward in order to make your job offer as attractive as possible. But beyond those few paragraphs that highlight a specific position, what else can you do to help with your hiring process?
Showcasing an open position is a good start, but today we’re discussing the various strategies available for you to recruit the best possible candidates without having to wait for resumes to pour in.
1 Like, 2 Likes, 3 Likes…
I know, it’s difficult to hear, but it’s inevitable: social media platforms, these days, are a necessary tool in crafting your brand and company image.
Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram (preferably all three), social media platforms should be used regularly to broadcast your company, for your clients as well as your future employees.
Imagine yourself in the shoes of a potential candidate looking for a job. You browse the Internet looking for companies in your field, because that’s the easiest and quickest way to get some information on where you could potentially apply.
As a future candidate, various elements can catch your attention: the work environment, the team, the company values… These are things that you, as an employer, can easily highlight through a few posts on social media.
It’s not necessary to hire a specialist and create daily posts that will take up all your free time. Simply take a moment to establish a strong and varied base across your platforms that offers additional information to the public, which can invite candidates to visit your website or contact you about possible job openings.
1 network, 2 networks, 3 networks…
Professional networking is a tool worth mentioning, because it can be put aside when thinking about recruiting. Your network, made up of any person you meet or spend time with in your personal, social and professional life, offers you a multitude of contacts that could help you find the perfect needle in this wide, overwhelming haystack.
Many strategies can be applied in order to maximize your networking during the hiring process. On one hand, make sure to let your entourage know that you’re looking to hire someone. Often, you’ll hear of a couple people looking for a job. And in your field, maybe!
It may seem obvious, but attending job fairs or events is also an investment worth making. Even if a potential candidate approaches you and doesn’t find the right fit for them, they can keep you in mind for the future, or recommend you to someone else.
1 cause, 2 causes, 3 causes…
Another strategy that is worth working on is your company’s social implication in various aspects related to your business - whether it be the environment, your company’s accountability toward its actions, poverty, discrimination, etc.
Each day, businesses have the ability to make decisions that can benefit its social implication through its social media publications, its choices and policies, and, yes, through its recruitment process.
By favoring such an implication, the company nurtures an image of acceptance and openness that suggests a welcoming, ideal work environment. For candidates looking for a job, a business focusing on social responsibility is a real goldmine.