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Written in the Stars: 7 Signs You’ve Made the Right Career Choice

Finding the right career is like finding the right romantic partner. Every day may not be rainbows and smiles, and there will be some conflicts, but providing you are working in a nurturing environment where you can grow, excel, and enjoy the work you are doing, you can feel confident in your career choices.

But how do you know this is what you were supposed to do? How do you know the grass isn’t greener elsewhere and the professional choices you have made up until now have been the right ones? These are 7 signs that you have made the right career choice and you are working in the right field for you.

You have the necessary skills

Nothing is more satisfying than doing work that you excel at. When faced with a unique problem, you tackle it, secure in the knowledge that very few people could do what you do and possess the necessary skillset to complete your work to the high-standard you can.

But there is still room to improve and learn

You want your job to challenge you. As soon as the challenge is gone, the job can become mundane and boring. You want to be able to learn, grow and branch out within your field, and become a better worker tomorrow than you were today.

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