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Five ways to motivate your employees

Nearly nine in 10 Canadian employees believe goal-setting is important to their performance on the job, but only 34% discuss their progress with their managers and 14% never raise the topic at all, a survey by staffing group Accountemps revealed.

"Setting goals at work encourages professionals to regularly reflect on their growth, evolve their objectives and establish a defined roadmap for career advancement," said Dianne Hunnam-Jones, Canadian president of Accountemps.

But professional development can't occur in isolation, she added. Managers can “help identify new challenges and opportunities that that align with [workers’] goals, and provide access to the resources [they] need to reach them".

The survey revealed that younger workers are keener than their older counterparts on setting work-related performance goals, with 54% of millennials saying it was “very important”.

However, just 40% of baby boomers said the same.

Slightly more men (37%) than women (32%) discuss performance goals with their managers at least monthly, while 19% of female workers do not bring them up at all.

Nine percent of male respondents also said they never talk about their goals with their manager.

They survey was conducted among 350 Canadian workers, 18 years of age or older and employed in office environments.

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